
Why Should Sellers Use a Realtor Instead of FSBO


There are a lot of reasons why you should use a realtor when you decide to sell your home. Some people might try and sell their homes without using an agent, but the odds are against them. Here’s why:

Housing inventory is low.

Unfortunately, low inventory is a chronic problem in the real estate market. When there are fewer homes on the market, it’s harder for sellers to find good deals and buyers to find affordable homes that meet their needs.

While this is great news for real estate agents (who make money when their clients sell property), it means that competition among sellers will be high and buyers will have more power over sellers’ decisions. In short: if you’re selling your home through an agent, you probably won’t get as much money or as many offers as you would if you were selling directly from owner to buyer.

Sellers who use Realtors get more money for their homes.

  • Realtors know what homes like yours have sold for. They can use this information to help you establish the right price range for your home, which will help you sell it faster and for more money.

  • Realtors can help you get the best offers. They know how to negotiate with buyers, so they’ll do everything from helping you figure out which repairs are necessary before putting your house on the market, to making sure there are no surprises when it comes time to close on a sale.

  • Realtors know how to negotiate with buyers. If there are multiple bidders interested in buying your home, a realtor will be able to guide both sides through negotiations until they reach an agreement that works for everyone involved (and most importantly—you).

Selling your home can be stressful.

Selling your home can be stressful. There are a lot of choices to make and many decisions to be made. A realtor will help you make the right choice.

Statistics show that homes sell faster when you use a professional.

The average length of time it takes to sell a home is 56 days. This number is slightly skewed by the fact that some homes take longer than others to sell, but not by much. At the end of the day, most houses are on the market for at least 30 days before they go under contract.

However, this figure only applies to FSBO sellers who failed to use an agent and instead tried their luck with only internet resources or word of mouth marketing techniques. According to data compiled by RealtyTrac Inc., homes sold using professional representation were off the market in an average of 35 days—a full 21% faster than those sold without representation!

This means that if you’re selling your house yourself, chances are you’ll be waiting quite a bit longer before you find a buyer than someone who hires a realtor would be expected to wait for their house (and potentially thousands more dollars).

Real estate knowledge and experience are important.

Real estate knowledge and experience are important. Good realtors are an excellent source of information about the market and what buyers are looking for in a home. They know how to price your home properly, when it’s time to put your house on the market, and how to stage a property so that it appeals to potential buyers.

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Many owners don’t consider all the costs involved in selling a home.

When you sell your home, you need to pay for various costs associated with selling it. While you might think a realtor is just a commission-based person who pushes papers around and makes phone calls, they often do much more than that. They’re also there as an advocate for the seller, representing their interests and protecting them from issues like overbidding or other problems that can arise in the course of selling a home.

So what are some of these hidden expenses?

  • Real estate commission: Most people know that when they hire an agent, they have to pay a commission on the sale price of their home. But they may not realize just how high this can be—in some markets it can be as much as 6%! And if you don’t understand what’s included in that figure and how commissions work in general (for example: agents get paid on every dollar of sales price; if someone offers $100K above asking but only pays 5%, then only $10K goes toward agent fees), then it might come as quite a shock. It’s one thing to know what percentage your agent will get out of your pocket; another thing entirely when those numbers start adding up!

  • Property taxes: If you’re thinking about selling now but haven’t paid property taxes yet this year (or even last year), then make sure these are taken care before listing anything so there won’t be any surprises down the road once buyers start looking at homes near yours—and especially during negotiations! You may not want anyone else knowing how much money

Homes sold by realtors tend to sell faster and for more money, so it makes sense to hire a realtor when you put your home on the market!

  • Real estate agents have experience selling homes.

  • They know the market and can help you price your home correctly to attract buyers.

  • They will provide feedback on staging your home for sale, so that it looks its best when potential buyers come through.

  • In addition, realtors also negotiate with buyers for you—they can handle all of the paperwork and make sure everything runs smoothly during each step of the process.


The bottom line is that if you’re going to sell your home, you should use a realtor. The probability of it selling faster and for more money is much greater if you do so, and there are many benefits that come with hiring a professional Realtor.

Listing Agents

Dan Skelly – best listing agent. I can list any home in Southwest Florida. I specialize in luxury homes and waterfront properties but will work at any price point. We treat all clients the same. You get luxury service for any priced home. We sell your home fast and for the right price.

Buyer Agents

Our team of buyer agents for helping you find a home know the area. They are very experienced and know how to negotiate the best price for you based on the real estate market conditions. Sign up on our website for real time property alerts.

Dan Skelly Realtor

Dan Skelly Realtor Florida and Colorado

Danny Skelly started out as a small business owner at a young age. Starting and running small companies throughout his 20s. He bought his first company at the age of 33. It was a motel in the Outer Banks of NC. He expanded the business by adding a fishing charter business that was docked at the motel docks. He sold that business and moved to Southwest Florida. There he purchased a struggling printshop. He added digital printing, graphic design and web marketing and design. Most of his clients were real estate companies and companies that were attached to the real estate business. He sold that in 2008 after the real estate market crash. He moved to Taos, NM and opened a kids playcenter and restaurant. He sold that soon after opening it and moved to Evergreen, CO.

Real Estate Agent Danny Skelly

Years of Expierence in marketing and Real Estate

There he got his associate broker’s license and worked for Keller Williams Foothills in Evergreen, CO. After many years he decided to get his employing broker license and open his own real estate company. The Denver Foothills are the mountain communities just outside Denver Metro. In the foothills you get true mountain living. You often get a large yard, horse facilities, and fantastic views just outside the city. Most of the foothills are between 30 and 50 minutes to Downtown Denver. So if you would like to be close to the city (for convenience) then the foothills are for you! Especially if you enjoy hiking and outdoor activities like camping and mountain biking. Danny Skelly is your best choice for a Realtor. Dan is the broker/owner of Orson Hill Realty, a real estate company based in Evergreen, CO that services the front range, foothills and Denver.