Turn Key State-of-the-Art Organic Hemp CBD Cosmetic Food Extraction Production Manufacturing Facility Available in Colorado

Nestled in the scenic locale of Evergreen, Colorado, a remarkable business opportunity is up for grabs. A fully-equipped Organic Hemp CBD Cosmetic Food Extraction Production Manufacturing facility is now open for acquisition. This advanced facility stands as a beacon of operational efficiency, having successfully manufactured millions of consumer products since its establishment. This facility is an ideal platform for businesses aiming to broaden their horizons or startups intending to make a substantial imprint in the organic market.

Turn Key CBD Extraction Lab: Facility Details

The facility, spread across an impressive 10,000 square feet, is a hub of organic production. It features a comprehensive system for natural ingredient extraction, processing, formulation testing, quality assurance, and consumer package goods manufacturing. With the ability to produce hundreds of thousands of consumer products each month, it’s a proficient entity that has been generating millions of consumer products since 2017.


Accreditations and Standards

The facility is proud to hold ISO 9001, USDA certified organic, and Earth Kosher certifications, reflecting its dedication to quality and compliance with rigorous federal and international guidelines. These accreditations also pave the way to a broad spectrum of markets and customers who prioritize these standards.

Industry Flexibility

beverage, nutraceuticals, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, wellness, and hemp/CBD. This flexibility presents a unique opportunity for a diverse array of businesses looking to amplify their operations or venture into new markets.

Evergreen, Colorado: An Ideal Business Location

Evergreen, Colorado, renowned for its breathtaking natural beauty, supportive community, strategic location, robust local economy, and secure environment, is a fantastic place to live and conduct business. Whether you’re a nature lover, an aspiring entrepreneur, or someone seeking a high-quality, tranquil life, Evergreen has something to offer you. It’s not just a place to live—it’s a way of life.

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A Detailed Look at the Facility

For a detailed look at the facility, you can check out these comprehensive video tours on YouTube here and here. These videos provide an in-depth overview of the facility’s operations, infrastructure, and the potential it holds for prospective buyers.

Additional Information

For more information about this Organic Hemp CBD Cosmetic Food Extraction Production Manufacturing facility for sale in Evergreen, Colorado, you can visit the following links:

This facility is more than just a production site; it’s a springboard for businesses looking to make a significant impact in the organic market. Don’t miss this chance to own a piece of the organic production industry’s future. Contact us today for more information.